Article written by: Andreina Tovar
The migration or displacement of people across borders has been a constant in our liquid times as Zygmunt Bauman would say.
Today, there are many who have cosmopolitan ideas and seek to make their life outside the boundaries of their State, to embrace another way of life, culture or civilization. This group corresponds to the standard migrants who voluntarily decide to leave their home or place of birth, to take root elsewhere or live as nomads, according to their wishes and aspirations.
There is another sector of people, who on the contrary, to their regret, are forced to leave their Homeland, to advance without a fixed direction or aim simply to survive, this is the drama to which this article obeys, from the perspective of how States nowadays see the need not only to generate responses to their fellow citizens but also to these people displaced by warlike conflicts, misery and inhumane conditions.
At the end of June there was what was called "the mother of all the summits" according to Euronews, where the European bloc would decide on important issues, including one that holds opposing positions within it: migration.
It is not the first time that this issue is a meeting of this Union and the approach has not changed much, continue to depend on container countries of these waves of migration as Libya and especially Turkey, who in exchange for funding in millions of euros They accept acting as a wall.
In South America, concern about Venezuelan migration has also been prevalent, even turning into issues of the presidential campaign, such as the recently elected Colombian President Iván Duque.
The approach in South America has been varied, some countries such as Peru have opted to soften their legislation to favor Venezuelan migrants, while others such as Panama and Mexico established greater restrictions.
Finally, it is important to highlight that the issue of migration will continue to speak and can hardly be resolved this year or next, as long as hostilities continue in Syria and the economic difficulties in Venezuela and the African continent, migration to other countries with better living conditions will be considered a life or death decision.
Since the human being desperately seeks his survival.
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