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Foto del escritor: Joshua T.Joshua T.

Actualizado: 24 jul 2018

Apollo 11, the mission that would change the world.

The morning of July 16, 1969, from the launching platform of Cape Canaveral, the Saturn V rocket, would take off to begin until now the most important mission of humanity: to reach the moon.

A mission that took more than the 4 days of travel that Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin for the moon landing.

The planners of NASA, spent more than two years studying the lunar surface in order to find the most suitable place to achieve the mission. Among the meticulous practices and studies carried out, factors such as "the number of craters and boulders, few cliffs or high hills and a relatively flat surface were taken into account. The amount of sunlight was also a factor in determining the best time to land on the lunar surface, "according to NASA.

"A small step for the man, a great step for the humanity", with this phrase Neil Armstrong, would immortalize the success of the mission.

The success of the mission would completely transform the future of the space race. This feat would allow the scientists not only to know better our natural satellite, but to mark a referential milestone for the success of the unmanned missions to Mars, Jupiter and even outside our solar system.

From that July 20, 1969, outer space, would cease to be an unattainable frontier, to begin to be a common space every day closer for humanity.

As a reminder of our historical TBT, we leave you a photo gallery of the mission courtesy of National Geographic: Apollo 11

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