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Foto del escritor: Joshua T.Joshua T.

Journalism is one of the most important labor for the world. This work helps to the build a society more fair and free, that is why this time we bring to you a exclusive interview not just with a good friend, with a great reporter of Lebanon: Neyla Chehwan (News reporter in Télé Liban), an example of journalism, that talk with Es Leander about his carrer, his experience during the war, and also some advices for the new generations of that wants to begin in this important labor.

What motivated you to start in the world of journalism? How did you start? I always were inspired with the world of journalism especially because i grew up in the war period and wanted to cover hard subjects , like demonstrations, wars and terrorist attacks. I always believed that if i were a reporter i would like to be the eyes for the viewers to tell them what is happening.

I started a major in public relations and advertising then did my master degree in journalism. First of all i started as a producer and presenter in a weekly program in the official channel but during the war of 2006 against Israel i shifted to politics and from then i am a reporter in the news.

We know that sometimes you have work in dangerous situations. How is the feeling and how do you face this? The idea of covering in dangerous places you got to think about not only yourself but you are responsible of a whole crew. So you have to listen to the advice of the army forces get the news but stay safe and that was real hard when u have to face ISIS because if something happens to one of the crew you will gain nothing so safety come first

What advice would you give to the new generation that wants to start in the world of journalism? As advices for the new journalist, well there is many first the scoop is not important as the punctuality of the news , the reporter is not an analyst he is the eyes of the viewers , yes the looks counts but a good reporter is never judged by her looks , politics is hard never let the viewers knows on which side you are , get as much as you can into about the subject you are covering and always have a plan b if something bad happens on a live coverage.

If you don’t have a strong heart don’t get in this business.

What do you think about the journalism of our days? Everyone can be today a journalist because of the social media and the interaction between the politicians and the public is expanding due to twitter or Facebook ... but i think that the television is and will remain the best media for all the public.

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